DEAR ABBY: My mother has a long history of lying in what appears to be her attempt to manipulate others. She is now 75, and my siblings and I know not to accept anything she says as the truth, and to always check with each other in order to find out the whole story.
The other day she lied to me about a doctor's appointment. Shortly after I talked to her, my sister called me, furious about what Mom had really done. I called Mom back that evening to give her a chance to tell the truth. Instead, she made up another lie to cover up what she had done. That's when I told her I had already spoken to my sister.
The whole situation makes me very sad, which I told her. I let her know I am "on to her" and have decided to give both of us some time to think about the situation. I know you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and I have given up trying.
I love Mom, but her continued manipulation of others has driven me away from her. Is there any way for her to see how much her inappropriate behavior affects those of us who care about her? -- SAD SON IN AUSTIN, TEXAS
DEAR SAD SON: No. And by cross-checking whatever your mother tells you with your siblings, you are handling a difficult situation as well as you can.