DEAR ABBY: I am sending along a gift suggestion for Father's Day for the dad who doesn't "need or want anything."
I recently celebrated a major birthday and my four dear adult children, all living in different parts of the country, collaborated electronically to record some of their favorite memories of their years at home -- some humorous, some touching, some surprising. These were written on tiny bits of paper, carefully folded or scrolled and packed into a small wooden box. There were 365 in all, with the expectation that I'd have one a day for a year.
I was so taken with the delight of reading them, however, that I read them all in two weeks! My heart will be warmed for a very long time. -- DEAR OLD DAD IN MAINE
DEAR DAD: What a wonderful idea -- and bless you for sharing it. Readers, listen up! It's a gift that costs little but time and thought, but is brimming with true meaning.