DEAR ABBY: My friends and neighbors thought I had the best husband, and our children thought he was the greatest dad. But on the day he died, I found out he had been having sex with another woman.
I went to visit him in the hospital and overheard the whole thing as he was talking to her. Abby, she was a prostitute. I knew money had been disappearing, but I never imagined anything like this.
Should I go on pretending to my adult children, or tell them the truth? They thought he was the best father in the whole world. Even though this happened more than five years ago, I continue to have nightmares over it. -- STILL HURTING IN BOSTON
DEAR HURTING: I see nothing positive to be gained by shattering your children's image of their father at this point. I'm sorry he failed you as a husband. However, for you to spend more of your life nursing hurt and disappointment is a waste of your precious time. Talk to your religious adviser or confide in a therapist. But do not bring this up with your children.