DEAR ABBY: My daughter and I haven't spoken in more than two years because of something I said regarding her grandson, "Joey," who is my great-grandson. The last time I saw this boy, who lives in another state, he was 7 or 8.
My daughter's husband was expressing how proud he was of Joey, who is a star football player -- a linebacker at 200 pounds and over 6 feet tall. I said, "Wow, the last time I saw him he was 7 or 8 and fat as a little pig." My words were not wisely chosen, but an expression I have used many times. It was just a comment.
They left the state in early spring without a call or a goodbye. On Mother's Day I received a "gushy" card, which I returned with a note saying how much I would have loved the card -- if I had felt it was sincere.
I am 86 and hate what has happened, but I feel I am being punished for just "being me." Should I make the first move or just let sleeping dogs lie? -- OUTSPOKEN GRANDMA IN FLORIDA
DEAR OUTSPOKEN GRANDMA: You should have apologized for your comment the minute you realized you had struck a nerve. And returning the card the way you did only added fuel to the fire. My advice is to write your daughter and son-in-law a note of apology and do it soon, because at 86, you don't have any time to waste.