DEAR ABBY: My wife and I were walking our terriers one evening when one had to answer nature's call. Being responsible dog owners, I picked up the "deposit" with a bag we carry for such occasions.
It was garbage pickup day and the neighbors' trash cans were out at the curb, so at the next house I placed the bag in the trash can. My wife, family and co-workers all think this was not appropriate -- that I should have carried it home and disposed of it in our trash can.
Abby, we were 15 minutes from home, but given the choice, I would rather not carry that bag and figured a garbage bin is a garbage bin. I'll abide by your answer and admit I was wrong if you say so. -- POOPED OUT IN NORTH CAROLINA
DEAR P.O.: As long as the bag was securely sealed, I don't think adding it to someone's trash bin was a social no-no. But I do have one suggestion: Keep your water cooler conversation at a higher level and you'll get less poop from your co-workers. Your wife is another story.