DEAR ABBY: I am a gay man who has been with my partner for 31 years. I have a female friend, "Josie," whom I have known for years. She holds an executive position in the local bank and must attend many fund-raisers. I have been her escort to many of them. Josie knows and likes my partner, and he has never had a problem with my going to these social events with her.
Recently Josie became engaged, and she is now married. I was invited to the wedding, but my partner was not included on the invitation. I chose not to attend because of it. I have not heard from her since. It has been almost four months.
Josie's husband is a retired military man. I suspect she would rather not let him know about having a gay male couple as friends. Should I confront her or just end the friendship? -- DON'T ASK OR TELL IN ALBUQUERQUE
DEAR D.A.O.T.: Have a chat with Josie, lay your cards on the table, and let her do the same. If it's true that she's hiding her "past" and her husband is a narrow-minded homophobe, then you're certainly within your rights to move on. But give her a chance to explain.