DEAR ABBY: Four months ago, a guy I know from work asked if he could stay with me for a few weeks until he finished saving for his own apartment. Two weeks later he was fired from his job. When I told him he could stay, I said I wouldn't charge him rent, but that he would need to buy his own food, toiletries, etc. He did at first, but has since started helping himself to mine.
I have a 7-year-old son who lives with me, and I was recently laid off from my job. I am now living off savings and unemployment, and things are tight.
Abby, this guy isn't even looking for work. All he does is sleep all day and watch TV. Not only that, he tries to dictate what shows I watch and even turns the channel in the middle of a show when I go to the bathroom. How can I get this freeloader out of here? -- AT MY LIMIT IN GRAND HAVEN, MICH.
DEAR AT YOUR LIMIT: This man will not leave until you insist upon it. Remind your "houseguest" that he was supposed to stay with you for only a few weeks, the "visit" is now over, and it's time for him to relocate. Do not expect gratitude for the hospitality you have extended, and you will not be disappointed.
If he is not out by the date you set, get some friends together to pack his things for him and put them outside. And if he gives you any trouble, call the police.