DEAR ABBY: How do I make my husband understand that how I cut my hair has nothing to do with him? I am 30 years old, and I have a full-time job and three kids who are involved in everything. Because I am always on the go, I need a hairdo that is easy to manage and cute, so I ended up getting my hair cut short. I love it. It makes me feel younger, cuter and trendy.
When my husband and I started dating, I used to have long, thick hair -- but I was not aware that keeping my hair long was "part of the deal." He feels I cut my hair purposely to go against what he wants. That sounds selfish to me. Isn't it MY hair? -- SHORT AND TRENDY IN WEST TEXAS
DEAR SHORT AND TRENDY: You cut your hair "purposely to go against what he wants"? I wouldn't call your husband selfish. I would call him controlling.
Long hair can be lovely, but it does require time and care -- not unlike a pet or a garden. If he can't understand that your busy schedule no longer allows you that kind of time to devote to yourself, that's his problem. Do not make it yours.
You are no longer the carefree girl you were when you were dating. You are a woman with real responsibilities. And it's time for your husband to grow up, too.
P.S. If long hair is some kind of "fetish" for him, offer to buy a long wig and wear it on special occasions.