DEAR ABBY: I am 28 years old, married for four years and have an 8-month-old son. For years I knew I wanted children and that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mother for as long as possible. I am taking a year or two off from work as a teacher to stay home with my son.
My problem is, I find playing with my son tedious, boring and frustrating. I don't mind caring for his needs, such as cleaning and feeding, but the actual playtime -- the part that is supposed to be fun, stimulating and so important to his emotional, physical and social growth -- bores me out of my mind.
I spend each day waiting for my son to nap so I can read, go online or watch TV, and I count the hours until my husband gets home so I can hand him the baby. I am seriously concerned that something is wrong with me as a mother, especially because I have suffered from depression in the past. Is this a dirty little secret that many mothers keep? -– NEW MOM IN LAS VEGAS
DEAR NEW MOM: No, it is not, and you are right to be concerned. For your sake as well as your son's, it is important that you discuss your feelings with your OB-GYN to make sure you are not suffering from postpartum depression, which is treatable.
You should also consider joining a playgroup, so you will have the company of other mothers. It will give you a healthier perspective than escaping by reading, watching TV or going online.