DEAR ABBY: Please settle a dispute I am having with my roommates. The four of us "girls" have separate bedrooms, and mine is messy. I admit it is covered with clothes and papers. But there is never food, food wrappers or anything lying around that could attract "unwanted guests."
My roommates are always after me to clean my room, but I feel I shouldn't have to. I'm an adult. I work 20 to 30 hours a week, and my major requires that I have class for another 30 hours. On top of that I have homework, and I try to have a social life. I keep my door closed so my roommates and their guests won't see the mess.
Now, here's the zinger: I am the only one who keeps the rest of the house clean. I am the one who does the dishes, takes out the trash, cleans the bathroom, vacuums, etc. I have to beg my roommates to do anything, and many nights I come home to three stacks of dirty dishes and two bags of trash.
I don't expect you to say it's OK to have a cluttered room, but what do you think about people who barely lift a finger to help around the house telling me what to do in my room? -- THE MESSY ONE, HINESVILLE, GA.
DEAR MESSY ONE: Talk about a case of the pot calling the kettle black! Frankly, it seems rather selfish for your roommates to keep their private spaces neat as a pin while ignoring the need to contribute to the upkeep of the common areas.
The time has come to hold a "roomies" meeting and offer "the girls" a proposition. You will find the time to straighten your room when they agree to post and abide by a "chores chart" so you no longer have to play Cinderella.