DEAR ABBY: From time to time you print letters about finding "pennies from heaven." Are you ready for another one?
Our daughter is adopting a little boy, and our other daughter was hosting a yard sale to raise money for the airfare to bring the child to this country.
My mother, a widow, had donated my father's racing bike. It was hard for her to let go of it because Dad had won many senior Olympic medals with it.
The bike sold the first day, and I immediately called Mom to tell her the news. Right after I hung up the phone with her, I looked down at the table where my grandsons had been helping me count change. In the middle of a pile of dimes was a penny. When I picked it up, I saw it was a "wheatie." Then I turned it over and couldn't believe my eyes. The date on the penny was 1918, the year my father was born.
Although this may not be your typical "pennies from heaven" story, I truly believe it was a penny from heaven -- a message from Dad that he was glad to contribute to our yard sale and was with us in spirit. -- JACLYN IN BALLWIN, MO.
DEAR JACLYN: And don't ever let anyone try to convince you otherwise.