DEAR ABBY: I am a stay-at-home mom with two little girls. My problem is that my father-in-law insists on visiting us when his son -- my husband -- is at work. I find it weird and imposing. I have already voiced my discomfort to my husband. He tells me I am being ridiculous and selfish. Is that so?
My father-in-law also shows up at my part-time job unannounced to "visit" me. Am I being ridiculous? -- INVADED IN SHORT HILLS, N.J.
DEAR INVADED: Could your father-in-law be bored, lonely or physically attracted to you? Wanting to spend time with the grandchildren is understandable, but visiting you at your job sends another message. At the very least, assuming he can drop by any time and you will entertain him is presumptuous.
You are neither ridiculous nor selfish. Your father-in-law appears to have no boundaries. He owes you the courtesy of calling before coming over to ask if it would be convenient. If you are uncomfortable alone with him, listen to your gut and refuse to have him over unless your husband is at home.