DEAR ABBY: Our 40th wedding anniversary will soon be here, and my wife, "Nancy," and I are considering renewing our vows. We were married when I was in the service during the Vietnam War, so we had only a rushed ceremony with a justice of the peace.
I would like a full-blown wedding for my dear wife. I picture Nancy walking down the aisle wearing her white gown, looking as beautiful as the day we were first married. My children, now adults, think this is unnecessary and a waste of money. (We don't have much -- we're on Social Security.)
I think my wife deserves the wedding she never had. Nancy has been through so much stress with all the surgeries I've had. I feel the love of my life and mother of my children deserves the wedding she was dreaming of. What do you think? -- STEVE W. IN PHOENIX
DEAR STEVE: Frankly, I think what you're considering is a beautiful gesture, but you have already given your wife the kind of MARRIAGE most women dream of -- a lifetime with a husband who demonstrates his caring and devotion. If you can afford the kind of renewal of vows you're considering and Nancy can still fit into that dress, then go for it. However, under no circumstances should you spend more than you can afford.