DEAR ABBY: I'm private about my body. I'm not comfortable being nude in front of anyone except my sister, my best friend or, of course, my mother.
At slumber parties, most of the girls are very casual about undressing in front of each other. Because I am not comfortable with it, I change in the bathroom. (I'm the only one who does.)
Some of them let it be my business, but others make fun of me about it, which I find humiliating. I don't want to stop going to slumber parties because of this. How should I respond to their comments? It doesn't harm them, so shouldn't they just let it be my business? -- MODEST IN THE SOUTHWEST
DEAR MODEST: Of course it should be just your business. You have a right to march to a different drummer if you wish. However, the more you rise to the bait when being teased about being modest, the more it will happen. My advice is to smile and say, "OK, so I'm old-fashioned -- deal with it!" (It also couldn't hurt to grow a thicker skin.)