DEAR ABBY: I'm turning 90 soon and live in a small assisted-living environment. I have outlived four husbands, and I'm thinking about a fifth. For clarification, my husbands all died of natural causes -- except for my second. (He and I were divorced.)
I am just a typical, sweet old lady in need of companionship. I have my eye on a fellow resident, but I firmly believe that it's bad policy to dip my pen in the company ink -- if you know what I mean.
What options are available for single seniors these days? I met all my previous husbands through friends and family. The problem is, most of my friends have died, and my kids won't help me for fear of losing their inheritance. -- 90 WITH A FEW MILES LEFT ON THE ENGINE
DEAR 90 (BUT GOING LIKE 60): Perhaps your "kids" would be more receptive to introducing you to someone if you promise you will have a prenuptial agreement in place before marrying again. If that doesn't produce results, consider going online to one of the more popular Web sites such as or -- although they charge for their services. I predict if you tell your children what you intend to do, they'll prefer you see someone they have vetted.
P.S. While I respect your "company policy," please weigh the benefit vs. the embarrassment factor in deciding whether to pursue the fellow resident you have your eye on. Nothing ventured, nothing gained (if you know what I mean), and I'm sure you could find out just about everything about him if you put your mind to it. It's always better to know with whom you're having the pleasure.