DEAR ABBY: I read your column every day, but this is the first time I have ever written. I'm a 16-year-old girl with a big problem. I dated a guy I'll call "Mickey" for about a month, maybe a little longer. Then we broke up because he said he wasn't over his last girlfriend. I know now it was a lie, since I found out they had never actually broken up -- he just cheated on her with me.
The problem is, we are fairly good friends, and he called me a month ago and we ended up having phone sex. I thought it meant something, and I believed him when he said he'd call me the next day, but he never called. In fact, Abby, he never said another word about it.
Should I act like nothing ever happened, too -- even though it kills me -- or should I break off this friendship? -- EMBARRASSED IN ARKANSAS
DEAR EMBARRASSED: Treat this as a learning experience. "Mickey" is a user who has lied to you at least twice and cheats on his girlfriend. There is no need to break off the friendship because there was no friendship to begin with. If you're smart, you'll steer clear of him in the future, because boys who behave like this bring nothing but pain.