DEAR ABBY: "John" and I have been together for seven years and were finally married last February. We have a 4-year-old daughter together.
I recently learned that John has had multiple affairs during our relationship, and fathered a child who was born last summer. I was devastated by the news of the affairs, not to mention that one resulted in a child. We are still together, but I plan to meet with an attorney soon. I know I can sue John for divorce and child support.
The child's mother is making my life crazy. She has not yet filed for child support, and she calls my home weekly demanding money from me because John is out of a job. She calls me at work and has threatened to show up at my home and my job with the baby in her arms.
What can I do about this? She knew about me when her affair with John started. She refuses to take into consideration the fact that my child is at an age where she can figure out something is not right.
John says he's willing to support her baby, but he wants nothing to do with either of them. I cannot trust him. She's acting crazy, and I'M the one who's been betrayed. I am holding up the best I can, but please advise me. I am truly tired of the mess that the two of them have created. -- TIRED OF THE DRAMA IN S. CAROLINA
DEAR TIRED: I hope you understand that you are under no obligation to give John's ladyfriend a penny. What she is doing is harassment, and could be considered an attempt at extortion. So please, be a good citizen and report her to the police. She must not be allowed to jeopardize your job, because with John's track record, I have a strong hunch you're going to need it to support yourself and your child. Please don't wait to make that call.