DEAR ABBY: I have been in a relationship with a married man who is addicted to any drug, legal or otherwise, that he can possibly get his hands on. He's a kindergarten teacher and also a licensed boat captain.
I am concerned that he is abusive to his students, works while high, and even fell asleep while driving a commercial dinner cruise. He gets mad at me when I refuse to be "his drug," claiming that my refusal is the reason he cannot stop using.
Today I changed my cell phone number because I am so fed up with his dirty lifestyle and don't want it around my family. He takes kickbacks from prostitutes for helping them find "johns" and for the use of his boat to do their business. He is around such seedy people that I'm a little concerned about retribution for backing out.
I want to move forward with my business and live a cleaner life than this. Am I wrong for judging him? -- "LAURA" IN THE SUNSHINE STATE
DEAR "LAURA": Are you wrong for judging him? What took you so long? You knew you were in a relationship with a married man -- and it boggles my mind that a substance abuser would hold a position of trust around children or as a boat captain.
For everyone's safety -- including your own -- he should be reported to the authorities.