DEAR ABBY: My older sister decided to join the Army before going to college. We didn't get along, and I was glad to see her go -- especially since it meant that I'd have a room of my own after always having had to share with her. She was just sent to Iraq.
Now I realize that I really love my sister, and I'm worried sick about her. I also feel really guilty about being happy about her leaving. Having my own room isn't all that great, and when I look at her side of the room and her empty bed, I wish we were still sharing a room and she was out of harm's way.
I want to write her and tell her how I feel and that I love her. But if I write her, I'm not sure how she'll react. I think about her and worry about her all the time. I tried to talk to my mom about how I feel, but she just blew me off and acted like she didn't believe me. Please tell me what I can do to deal with this. -- SAD SISTER IN SACRAMENTO
DEAR SAD SISTER: Your mother is dealing with her own anxieties right now. Do not let another day go by without sitting down and writing that letter to your sister. Tell her exactly what you have told me. I am positive that not only will she be happy to hear from you, she will also be impressed by how much you have matured in such a short time. It's the only way to deal with what's bothering you.