DEAR ABBY: I would like your opinion about something. I am a single dad with two kids. I work 60 hours a week to support them. I'm involved with the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, soccer, their school, etc. I am often on the go to the point that the vacuuming, mopping and dusting are postponed. Personally, I feel that being involved with the kids is more important.
I have a lady friend I have been seeing for a few years, and our relationship is at a standstill. She is a very neat and tidy person, and the moderate clutter in my house is a bone of contention. She feels I should cut back on some of the activities, perhaps just drop off the kids and leave so I would have time to clean the house to her standards. That would mean the Girl Scout troop would fold, and many of the activities of the Boy Scout troop would be curtailed, but her feeling is that the housework comes first. I feel that being involved with the kids comes first. What do you think? -- SLIGHTLY CLUTTERED, WASHINGTON STATE
DEAR SLIGHTLY CLUTTERED: The investment you are making in your children will reap untold benefits in the future. You seem to be a man whose priorities are in order. However, it appears there are some important lessons you are not teaching your children -- and one of them is how to share the housekeeping chores.
If they are mature enough for scouting, surely they can make their own beds, clear the table, load the dishwasher and help with the dusting. You are a wonderful father, but please do not overlook this important part of their education. It will help them to be independent later, and frankly, you could use their help now.