DEAR ABBY: I am 35 and have been dating "Julie," a 38-year-old woman, for nearly a year. Drinking is a pleasure we both enjoy, but sometimes Julie goes overboard, and it creates a strain on our relationship.
A few weeks ago, we got thrown out of a rock concert because she forced her way to the front of the stage in a wild, drunken state -- to the chagrin of other concertgoers. Security threatened to carry her out if we didn't exit the premises at once.
The tickets cost me $300, and I'm angry we were asked to leave because of her lack of consideration. I love Julie a lot and don't want to ask her to stop drinking because that would be hypocritical. But at the same time I feel she should control herself and drink responsibly. What should I do? -- ANGRY IN L.A.
DEAR ANGRY: Julie wasn't asked to leave because of "lack of consideration." She was ejected because she was so drunk she was out of control and bothering the other attendees. (And at a rock concert, that's quite a feat.)
It's time to face the fact that your lady has a drinking problem. Of course, she needs help for it. (Alcoholics Anonymous would be an excellent place to start. It's listed in your local phone book.) Please give her a push in the right direction, and while you're at it, consider curbing your own drinking so it won't encourage her to continue.