DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been together nearly five years. We have two beautiful children.
Over the weekend, I had a friend over. We had a few drinks, and my husband asked if I wanted to try "something new." I thought he meant between us, but when I said yes, he went to my friend and asked her to join us! We had never discussed having a third person join us in our "private time." I would never be with anyone besides my husband.
Why would he ask her without consulting me? I am really hurt and offended because now I think he is interested in her, and I'm not enough for him. He did apologize. He said he thought that's what I wanted.
I no longer know how to act around him because he made me feel so worthless. Should I forgive him? -- HELEN IN HOLLYWOOD
DEAR HELEN: I don't know how many drinks your husband had, but it appears he had at least one too many and acted on an impulse to live out a sexual fantasy. Should you forgive him? Yes, but not until you have hashed this whole episode out in the sober light of day -- and are fully assured that he's faithful and intends to remain that way.