DEAR ABBY: Two years ago, I married a wonderful man I'll call "Kenny." I am white and Kenny is African-American. After I announced my marriage, my father stopped taking my phone calls and e-mails, and refuses to have any contact with me whatsoever. He has never even met my spouse.
I continue to send my father cards on his birthday, Father's Day and Christmas, but I never receive any response. We live only three miles apart. Should I give up on communicating with him? I just cannot turn my back on my own father, but it appears he has done this to me.
I knew his feelings on interracial marriage when I married Kenny, but how long should a 45-year-old woman let a parent's disapproval stand in the way of her own happiness? -- DISOWNED DAUGHTER IN VIRGINIA
DEAR DAUGHTER: At age 45, you made a mature decision. You knew when you married your husband that there would be a price tag for your happiness, and this is it. Face it: Your father is a racist whose prejudice is more important to him than your happiness. Please waste no more time hoping he will "mellow." Live your life and concentrate on your future.
Please stop banging on a door that may never open. The next move, if there is to be one, is up to your father.