DEAR ABBY: Please tell me how to respond to people who sit at a table with me (in my home, theirs or out) and make comments about being full, eating just "because it's there," or "for the flavor" -- and continue to eat? All of my family members are overweight. I am the smallest by far at a size 8. They engage in this often, and it distresses me.
I don't want to jump up from the table, clear away the dishes and tell them to stop eating, but I also don't enjoy hearing them talk about how much they shouldn't be eating while they continue to do so.
Most of them have been advised more than once by physicians to lose weight for the sake of their health. Other than bringing food to share that's low in sugar and fat, is there a way to politely deal with this bizarre behavior? -- FED UP IN HOUSTON
DEAR FED UP: No, there isn't. But you can save your sanity by recognizing idle chatter for what it is and tuning it out. In your own home, you can simply serve less food -- or clear away the tempting leftovers and relocate your guests away from the table. However, in a restaurant or in their homes that wouldn't work. So accept that your relatives won't address their weight problems until they are ready to do so, and try to be less judgmental.