DEAR ABBY: I am 62 and my husband is 93. Our next-door neighbor, "Sam," likes to expose himself. Other than that, he's a good neighbor and always ready to help out.
One day, a couple of my women friends were over visiting, and Sam stood in his doorway naked as a jaybird, waving at them. Maybe he thinks it pays to advertise. Mostly, he does this when my husband has gone inside the house.
His behavior worries me. If anything should happen to my husband, do you think Sam would try to force himself on me? Could he attack me and try to rape or murder me, or is he just a nice guy who likes to expose himself, and not the least bit dangerous?
I don't want to be a bad neighbor, and I don't want my name revealed, but this neighbor is really making me uneasy. Should I report what he's been doing to the police? -- SCARED IN HAWAII
DEAR SCARED: Listen to your intuition -- it's the impulse that made you write to me. It is an alarm bell. I don't know your neighbor, so I can't predict whether he's a rapist in the making. However, I DO know that his behavior is deviant and highly inappropriate -- and for that reason, the police should be notified. Immediately!