DEAR ABBY: My companion, "Sharon," and I are seniors and widowed. Sharon has an identical twin, "Karen." The sisters had scheduled some cosmetic surgery, nothing major -- just a "nip" here and a "tuck" there.
Now Karen has informed Sharon that because of some sudden and unexpected financial difficulties, she's unable to go ahead with the surgery.
Sharon now feels that she should cancel her surgery because she's afraid they will no longer look alike, and she feels it would be unfair to Karen.
I am neutral. I find Sharon beautiful as she is. However, I know that she is very disappointed. What do you or your identical twin readers think? Should Sharon have the surgery? -- IN LOVE WITH SHARON
DEAR IN LOVE: In the era in which your companion was raised, identical twins were encouraged to accentuate their similarities. (Thankfully, that practice has changed in recent decades, and twins are now encouraged to develop as individuals.)
If identical twinship is important to Sharon, she should not have the surgery. It could make her feel guilty, and her twin feel abandoned. She is wise to carefully consider all the ramifications.