DEAR ABBY: I am a female member of the military, stationed for the past nine months in Iraq. I recently received a letter from a friend who is having problems in her marriage. She has asked to move in with me when I return to the states in about three months. She says it's only until she gets back on her feet.
There's no way I can let that happen. She has too much drama in her life, and I have grown accustomed to living by myself. When I get home, all I want is peace and quiet. How can I tell her that I don't want a roommate without hurting her feelings? -- PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST
DEAR PEACE: Be direct, and don't go into detail. Tell her that your tour of duty has been stressful -- it's the truth -- and that when you return home you plan to live alone. Do not talk about the drama in her life. Talk about the drama that's been going on in your life. You have a right to peace of mind, and your friend should not expect you to straighten her life out for her. After a tour in Iraq, you've done enough.