DEAR ABBY: I'm a 25-year-old recent college graduate who just started a new job. I love it here because I'm doing something I care about and earn decent money. I like all of my co-workers with the exception of one. This person, "Jim," interrupts my work a lot, says things like "Hey, beautiful!" and calls me things like "baby girl." The other day he said, "It's too hot outside." I replied cheerfully, "Sorry, I had nothing to do with it," and he said in a creepy manner, "You have a lot to do with it."
This is bothersome because I think Jim is a nice person, but he makes me uncomfortable. He has worked here a lot longer than I have. I don't want to say anything to the boss because I'm the new girl. I have been here only a few weeks, and I don't want to make trouble.
At the same time, I'm tired of Jim walking into my office, sitting down, talking for long periods and making off-color remarks. If I close my door, I'll appear anti-social, but I'm tired of being badgered because he's bored or because I'm the only young female in the office. I don't want to get anyone in trouble -- I just want it to stop. What should I do? -- TRAPPED IN NORTH CAROLINA
DEAR TRAPPED: You are entitled to be comfortable in the workplace and free from unwanted conduct. State and federal laws guarantee you the right to be free of unwelcome talk based on gender. Ideally, you should tell this man that he is making you uncomfortable. However, if you cannot bring yourself to do it, I urge you to document what is going on and bring your concerns to the attention of your boss or the person who handles human resources at your company.