DEAR ABBY: My in-laws, who live seven hours away, spent last night in our guest room. They arrived late and had already eaten dinner on the road. My husband was away on business, and my in-laws and I had fun talking, laughing and sharing stories.
This morning I got dressed, spoke with them for a few minutes and left for work. They had the run of the house. I encouraged them to sleep late, help themselves to whatever was in the kitchen, and lock the door behind them when they left.
When I returned from work I noticed they had left a sweet note and a $50 bill! My husband says they did it to be nice and I should accept the money. My mother says I should take the money and buy new sheets for the guest room.
I feel terrible. I don't know why they left the money. My husband and I both work and earn good money. Our house isn't as nice as theirs, but we've been married for only two years. My first reaction was to return the money with a brief note explaining that we don't charge for hospitality. My husband says that would be cruel. Your thoughts, please. -- HURT IN WISCONSIN
DEAR HURT: I'm sure no insult was intended. The money was a gift, so accept it graciously in the spirit it was given. Your mother's suggestion to put it toward new sheets for the guest room is a good one. The next time your in-laws visit, show them that you used the money to make them more comfortable. I'm sure they'll be touched.