DEAR ABBY: I am the wife of an Army soldier who has been deployed to Honduras for six months. In a telephone call a couple of weeks ago, he confessed that he had cheated on me since he left. He said he has cut off all contact with this local woman, yet he continues to go to the bar where they met. He says I should trust him because he's told me about the infidelity, and I should trust that he won't do it again.
But, Abby, how can I trust him when he lied to me all this time? I know he is stressed being away from home, but the stresses of him not being home are equally hard on me and the children.
How do I get over this and start trusting my husband again? -- CONFUSED ARMY WIFE IN ALASKA
DEAR CONFUSED: If your husband didn't have a conscience, he wouldn't have confessed his indiscretion to you. However, your concerns are valid. Tell your husband that, as proof of his contrition, you want his promise that he will avoid not only that bar, but any other tempting situations that might present themselves while he's away. Once he returns, marriage counseling to heal the breach he has caused would be a giant step in the right direction. With professional help, the two of you can get past this.