DEAR ABBY: Your "Penny From Heaven" letter about the coin found by the employee of a car reconditioning business (the penny was given to his boss) missed one important fact. That penny belongs to the owner of the car and should not have been taken without the owner's permission. It is called stealing. Shame on you, Abby. -- HONEST TO A FAULT IN PHOENIX
DEAR HONEST: Your letter was one of hundreds I've received from sticklers for honesty who also scolded me for not chastising her. Read on:
DEAR ABBY: That penny could well have been "from heaven" for the client who owned that vehicle. It could easily have fallen from the client's pocket or purse and have been presumed lost. That writer should have offered the penny back to the customer. And you, Abby, instead of taking pleasure at the taking of another's property, should have pointed that out. -- C.R. IN WALLER, TEXAS
DEAR C.R.: Thanks for putting your helpful criticism so kindly. One reader from Studio City, Calif., asked me if I had a geranium in my cranium for overlooking the point.