DEAR ABBY: I have heard many men fantasize about hooking up with a nymphomaniac. Speaking as someone with 20/20 hindsight, I advise any man who meets one to run!
I was married to a woman with that problem, and at first I did think I was in heaven. I didn't learn about the downside until much later.
Every day after I left for work, another man spent the day with my wife. And when I went into the military, she disappeared. I later learned that she was frequenting bars, having encounters with anyone and everyone who would, and contracting multiple STDs in the process. At the time I was very angry at her. I now realize she was driven by an addiction over which she had no control.
So, unless you are prepared to spend every minute of every day with a nymphomaniac, expect to share -- with the world. -- OLDER AND WISER
DEAR OLDER AND WISER: As your letter proves, sometimes there CAN be too much of a good thing. What's the old saying, "Moderation in all things"? It's true.