DEAR ABBY: I am a 20-year-old nursing major at a Christian college. I live off campus.
Someday I would like to be married, but I am really particular. I've been trying to get to know people and wouldn't consider myself shy, although I do worry I will never meet "Mr. Right."
There have been a few good prospects, but I see them only in passing when I am on campus for classes.
Abby, what's the best way to show interest in a guy without scaring him away? Are there any creative, nonthreatening kosher ways to spark their interest in me, as well?
I'm afraid I will not be able to catch the person of my dreams. -- LOOKING FOR MR. RIGHT
DEAR LOOKING: Just be yourself. And if you're smart, you'll invent excuses to spend more time on campus. Join the staff of the school newspaper, study in the library, work out at the school gym, get a part-time job on campus. It will give you a reason to interact with eligible "fellow" students.
(And by the way, another technique for getting to know someone is to ask if you can study together before an exam.)