DEAR ABBY: I am a 16-year-old high school student and have been going with my girlfriend, "Maddie," for two years. We go to different schools, and lately trust has become a big issue.
She thinks I am cheating, which I am not -- but she won't get off my case. We constantly fight about little things. She calls me at home and hits the roof if I'm not there when she thinks I should be.
Last week, she gave me an ultimatum: Drop out of sports or she'll drop me. Abby, this is my senior year. This is my last year of playing. I don't want to quit. I love Maddie, but I'm not sure she has the right to give me such an ultimatum. I don't know what to do. Please help me out. -- "CENTER" OF CONTROVERSY
DEAR "CENTER": Please don't give up sports in order to assuage your girlfriend's insecurities. A person who loves you wouldn't demand such a sacrifice. If you give in, you'll regret it in years to come. Ask yourself: What will she demand next?
No one should issue an ultimatum unless she (or he) is prepared to lose. In this case, it appears your girlfriend fumbled the ball. Her demand is out of bounds. Ignore it.