DEAR ABBY: Our son, "Michael," is a freshman in college in New York. He is also on the football team. My wife and I traveled from Boston to see Michael's first game of the season. When we arrived, we were joined by his girlfriend, "Liz," a high school junior from our hometown, and her parents.
They stayed the entire weekend and acted like they were part of the family. Liz's dad was giving Michael "fatherly advice" and telling him they were coming back to see more games this fall. They even discussed plans for Christmas vacation. My wife and I had only about one hour alone with our son the whole time we were there.
Liz's parents were high school sweethearts and they seem to think the kids will be, too. We hinted to them that we think they are sexually active, but they insist that Liz is a virgin.
We would like Michael to enjoy his college experience with students his age on campus. We don't appreciate Liz's visits. We would like to say something about this to her parents, but we don't want to alienate Michael. What can we do? -- PARENTS WITH UNWANTED VISITORS
DEAR PARENTS: Forget about talking to the parents. Have a serious talk with your son. Make absolutely certain that he recognizes the importance of birth control, as well as the necessity of finishing his education before he assumes the responsibilities of marriage. Encourage him to get involved with campus activities and meet new people. Then tell him you think Liz is a "sweetheart," but the romance is progressing at a faster pace than you're comfortable with, and that you'd like to spend more time alone with him. Be careful not to say anything negative to your son about Liz or her parents, or you could cause a backlash.