DEAR ABBY: I am in middle school and have been helping my friend, "Heidi," with her schoolwork. When Heidi first asked for help, I didn't mind. But now she expects me to do all her assignments.
Yesterday after school, I tried to help Heidi with her homework in the library, but she kept wandering off to talk to friends. Abby, I don't want to help someone who doesn't make an effort, but I feel responsible because Heidi's grades are falling fast. What should I do? -- BOY WITH A BIG PROBLEM ON HIS HANDS
DEAR BOY: First of all, stop shouldering burdens that are not your own. If your friend fails a subject because she has not completed her assignment, the responsibility is hers -- not yours. It was kind of you to try to share your own good study habits with your friend. But the time has come for her to take what you have taught her and fly on her own.