DEAR ABBY: My grandfather died nine months ago. He and my grandmother were married for more than 40 years, but they were not happy for the last four or five. A couple of weeks ago an old family friend called my grandmother. She's known him since she was a teenager.
Out of the blue, my grandmother invited this man to visit over the weekend. He stayed in a hotel and she claims nothing romantic happened. But she took him to some of my grandfather's favorite places -- places we all went together as a family. This is so out of character for her. When she asked how I felt, I lied and said I was OK with it.
Now my conversations with my grandmother are strained. Should I tell her how I really feel and risk her ending something that is making her happy? -- WORRIED 17-YEAR-OLD GIRL
DEAR WORRIED: I understand your feelings, but my advice to you is to keep your negative feelings to yourself. Although you still perceive your grandmother to be part of a happy couple, your grandfather is gone and the marriage was not a happy one for a long time. Your grandmother has had a lot of time to grieve. Try to be happy for her and wish her well. If you cannot do that, grief counseling for you would be helpful.