DEAR ABBY: I am a 17-year-old high school junior who is busy searching to find the right college. I'm in the top 10 percent of my class, active in extracurricular activities and community services, and have never given my parents an ounce of trouble.
My problem is my mother and I do not see eye-to-eye when it comes to researching colleges. My family doesn't have much money and cannot afford to send me to an expensive university, which I fully understand. However, Mom gets mad when I inquire about ANY school out of our price range.
My reason for wanting to survey all my options is to seek as much information as possible about financial aid, work grants and scholarships. Mother refuses to entertain the idea of co-signing a loan. She has come right out and said I'm wasting my time and being delusional.
I think I am realistic. I accept the fact that I won't be going to an Ivy League school. But I see no harm in refusing to limit myself to state-funded schools. Am I on the right track, or is Mom way ahead of me? -- TIRED OF BEING NAGGED IN NEW YORK
DEAR TIRED: You are asking intelligent questions. But the person you should be asking is your counselor at school. From my perspective, knowledge is power. There are many scholarships available, and you are wise to explore all of your options -- including the Ivy League.