DEAR ABBY: At my office, many employees participate in fund-raisers for church groups or schools. These fund-raisers involve buying items such as wrapping paper, chocolate bars, etc. I usually buy "whatever" because it's for a good cause.
One of my co-workers, "Robin," frequently asks the rest of us to chip in to raise money for her daughter's school. However, Robin recently admitted to me privately that the money she's collecting is actually for herself. She justified her actions by saying the funds are for a "worthy cause" -- HER TRIP TO PARIS.
Should I tell my co-workers about Robin's scam, or report her to the companies providing the products she's selling for "charity"? I am disgusted by her deceit and her inability to see anything wrong with what she's doing. -- SICK ABOUT IT IN ST. LOUIS
DEAR SICK ABOUT IT: By all means, speak up and tell your co-workers about her scheme. Robin's lack of ethics is appalling -- and may even be criminal. To remain silent makes you an accessory, so don't wait. Do it now.