DEAR ABBY: My husband's sister, "Claudia," has been one of my closest friends since we became sisters-in-law seven years ago. I have been there for her over the years, including watching her children, helping her recover from a painful divorce, and allowing her to vent about everyday problems.
For the majority of those years, Claudia was on medication for anxiety. However, a few months ago, she stopped cold turkey. She and I had no problems while she was on the meds, but now that she's off, Claudia has said and done many hurtful things to me and other family members and friends.
Claudia doesn't seem to realize that she is a different person when she's off her medication. Her mother, her best friend and I have all told her separately how cruel and insensitive her comments are, and that she needs to be upfront with her doctor about what's going on. She refuses, and her behavior is escalating.
How can I get across to my sister-in-law that she is unbearable without the medication? -- TIRED OF BEING HURT IN NORTH CAROLINA
DEAR TIRED: Since each of you has spoken to her separately without making an impression, the three of you should confront her as a group and tell her how much she has changed and how hurtful her behavior has become. If she is still not receptive to informing her doctor that she has a problem, limit your time with her.