DEAR ABBY: I am a 21-year-old military wife. My husband is in the Army and was sent to Korea almost seven months ago, one month after we were married.
As much as I love my husband, I'm afraid I jumped too quickly into this marriage. More and more I wish I was single and could have relations with any man I wanted.
Right now, two guys are begging me to get a divorce, and a third guy is after me. I'm actually considering the third guy's offer because my feelings for him are so strong.
My husband and I do not correspond often. Am I losing feelings for him because he's so far away and we seldom speak? Or am I just a sad and lonely wife who craves attention? Please help me, Abby. I don't want to hurt my husband. -- IN NEED OF LOVE IN INDIANA
DEAR IN NEED: Only you can answer those questions. Counseling can help you discover what's really going on. Right now, you are bored and frustrated. Another man might be a quick fix, but it won't eliminate the reasons why you want to be unfaithful to your husband.
Whatever answer you arrive at, I urge you to wait before disclosing your ambivalence to your husband. He needs all the emotional support he can get while he's away.