DEAR ABBY: My 9-year-old daughter, "Kristy," has a good friend, "Libby." Libby's father started calling my daughter "Weirdo" when the girls were in kindergarten. It upset my daughter, and I asked him to stop. He ignored my request, so I saw to it that Kristy socialized with other girls. Kristy and Libby did not become close friends again until this year when they entered fourth grade.
Libby's father was polite to Kristy for a while, but yesterday when I picked her up, he yelled, "Goodbye, Weirdo!" Kristy says it doesn't bother her now, but I don't believe it. I think she's afraid I will not let her remain friends with Libby.
Abby, I can't understand why a grown man would intentionally demean a child by calling her names. I don't want my daughter subjected to this, but I don't know what to do. Any ideas? -- ANGRY MAMA
DEAR ANGRY MAMA: As a parent, it's your job to protect your child from abuse. Libby's father appears to be insensitive, immature, and a bit weird himself. That's three strikes in my book.
Limit Kristy's exposure to him by arranging for the girls to play at your house until further notice. The less she sees of Libby's father, the better for all concerned. If Libby's mother is in the picture, she should be told what her husband is saying.