DEAR ABBY: My mother-in-law allowed my 7-year-old daughter to use her library card. Unbeknownst to me, my daughter picked out a book and brought it home. A few weeks later, Grandma received a late notice from the library. My daughter and I found the book and walked it over to Grandma's house and laid it on her dining room table where she would be sure to see it and return it.
Later that same day, my 20-year-old daughter, who was helping Grandma move some things, inadvertently picked up the book and put it in her car. The book hasn't been seen since.
Grandma now wants my 7-year-old to pay the library $13 for the lost book. I know we should have taken the book back to the library ourselves, but I don't think this is fair. Who do you think should pay for the book? Grandma, my oldest daughter or my younger daughter? -- WHY-O-WHY-O IN OHIO
DEAR WHY-O: YOU should. And while you're at it, you should also get your young daughter her own library card and explain the rules to her. You'll be doing her a favor by giving her an early start in the right direction. Libraries are treasure troves for children.