DEAR ABBY: I am a retired soldier. Some time ago, I wrote the following verse for those who are now fighting for us. What can we do for them? Write, yes! But better than that, LIVE. -- CORTLAND E. RICHMOND, ROHNERT PARK, CALIF.
DEAR CORTLAND: Thank you for granting me permission to use excerpts from your poem. Today is Veterans Day, and I am sure it will strike a responsive chord with all who read it.
Do not give medals for our death;
Where we are, we cannot know.
Do not raise flags and hold parades;
Where we are, flags don't go.
We ask but one thing of our land,
Of you who had us fight:
"Please be WORTH the blood we shed,
"Be worth the eternal night."
We are the currency you spend
For freedom, fear or oil;
Our blood, the coin you pay,
Dark on some foreign soil.