DEAR ABBY: My fiance, "Eduardo," and I have been a couple for nearly four years. We plan to marry in 2004.
Eduardo's parents ("Maribell and Guillermo") have had their share of marital problems but have remained together. My father died six years ago, and my mother raised my sister and me by herself. She is an attractive woman with high standards who chose not to date until last year.
Our "combined family" has always enjoyed getting together on birthdays and holidays. However, recently Guillermo has been hitting on my mother! He stares at her, vies for her attention, and makes no secret of the fact that he loves to be near her.
My mother is not -- and would never be -- interested in him, especially since she and Maribell have become close friends.
I think the behavior of Eduardo's dad is out-and-out inappropriate, but if I mention it to Eduardo, he refuses to acknowledge there's a problem. He insists his father would never behave "like that." Eduardo won't discuss it with me anymore and refuses to bring it up with his dad.
Should I approach my future father-in-law myself, Abby? If so, exactly what should be said? I don't want to say anything to Maribell because if she hasn't already noticed her husband's behavior, it would only hurt her. Please share any suggestions you have. -- DISTRESSED AND DISTURBED
DEAR D AND D: You say your mother is attractive and has high standards. I'm sure this isn't the first time since your father's death that a man has "put the moves" on her.
Rather than involving yourself in this delicate situation, let her speak up for herself in putting Guillermo in his place.