DEAR ABBY: I am a girl living in Peshawar, Pakistan. I am engaged to a boy who loves me very much. The problem is I was in love with another guy who seemed to love me, but we didn't admit it to each other. I have been waiting for him to say I love you for almost three years. However, during that time, he had an affair with two girls I knew.
Now I am engaged to someone who loves me very much, but I cannot forget the one I loved and feel that I still love.
Please tell me how to cope because I am in big trouble. -- BROKEN DOLL, PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN
DEAR BROKEN DOLL: It is time to face reality.
If the young man who "seemed" to love you did, indeed, love you, he would have told you. Instead, he had an affair with two girls you knew. That is hardly what I would call the behavior of a man who is interested in a long-term relationship with anyone.
We come from different cultures, you and I. But let me share something that transcends culture. We have to build our lives from the materials that are given to us, or the ones we earn for ourselves. You have a nice young man who loves you. Give him a chance to prove himself. Dwelling on something that never happened -- and never will -- is a waste of time.