DEAR ABBY: After a two-year engagement, my husband and I were married three years ago. After the engagement announcement, my mother surprised me with the news that she and my father were going to renew their wedding vows. I was happy for them until my mother began planning their ceremony around the time of our wedding. I felt she was trying to steal the limelight from me -- and she did.
Two months ago, I announced that I am two months' pregnant. Yesterday, my mother announced that SHE is pregnant. (She had me when she was 15.) Abby, now she wants us to have baby showers on the same day. Do you think this is my mother's attempt to stay connected with me? -- TRYING TO REMAIN CALM IN DENVER
DEAR TRYING: No. I think that on an unconscious level, there is competition going on. However, since there is nothing you can do about it, the best advice I can offer is to live your own life, and spend less time looking over your shoulder to see what your mother is doing. Under no circumstances should you allow these "coincidences" to lessen your own happiness.