DEAR ABBY: I have been working for the same company for more than three years. I have a good relationship with my boss, "Al." However, I think he has fallen in love with me. I don't know how to handle this delicate situation since he is married. Al says he and his wife no longer have anything in common -- including sex.
Al and I are good friends, but he has mentioned several times that he wants to take our relationship "further." He gets moody because my feelings toward him are not the same. I am not physically attracted to Al. I don't like to see him depressed, so I tell him things to make him feel good about himself. The problem is, I'm beginning to think I am leading him on. Al's been there for me through some tough personal times and has helped me financially as well. I feel as though I need to stop letting him do things for me since it makes me feel obligated.
Abby, how can I deal with this without losing Al's friendship? -- JENNIFER IN MISSISSIPPI
DEAR JENNIFER: Remain cordial. Start repaying the money Al gave you. That way you will no longer feel obligated. Limit the amount of time you spend alone with him -- his problems are not your problems unless you foolishly choose to make them so. If he keeps pressing you for "more," it could be considered sexual harassment.