DEAR ABBY: After a two-year courtship, my 33-year-old son and his 26-year-old girlfriend became engaged and moved in together last August. They announced an April wedding date and began planning a formal out-of-town wedding for 50 guests.
Two months into their engagement, my son's fiancee became pregnant. Her mother and I advised them to marry right away and celebrate their marriage with the planned out-of-town reception. Abby, they refuse to alter the plans, even though the invitations have not yet been sent.
Is it proper for a bride who is six months' pregnant to walk down the aisle in a white wedding gown? We two mothers are aghast, but are being told we're just plain old-fashioned. Please respond as soon as possible. Time is of the essence, and my future daughter-in-law is getting bigger by the day. -- EMBARRASSED MOM
DEAR EMBARRASSED: I understand your feelings, but things have changed a lot during the last 25 years. While the idea of an obviously pregnant bride walking down the aisle may shock someone raised during the 1950s, it is more accepted today.
A white gown and veil no longer symbolize virginity; they signify that it is a bride's first wedding. Count your blessings. Some couples wait so long to marry that their children are old enough to be ring bearers and flower girls.