DEAR ABBY: When I was 20 and still living at home, I got a tattoo I never told my parents about. I am now 25, married, and have never regretted it.
When Mom was visiting recently, she saw my tattoo. What followed was an eight-hour attack on my "bad morals, low self-esteem and corrupt character."
I never knew a small picture of a butterfly could cause so much trouble. The scene with Mom got so bad that my husband and I finally decided we'd had enough. We packed her suitcase, took her to the airport, and happily paid to get her on the next flight home.
Now most of my family is involved in the fight and everyone is taking sides. It seems there's no end to this. Did my husband and I make the wrong call by sending her home? -- POOR LITTLE BUTTERFLY IN OKLAHOMA
DEAR POOR LITTLE BUTTERFLY: In your mother's day, tattoos were not accepted as they are today. She overreacted to your tattoo. Now take the high road: Apologize for sending her away and head off World War III.